Mom to Kylee Victoria
Born still October 21, 2013
San Antonio, TX
10-21-2013. That day is forever changed in my mind. It’s the day I had to say hello and goodbye at the same time. My husband and I went in to the hospital because I didn’t feel our sweet baby move for the past two days. In my mind I knew something was terribly wrong because our little girl was normally very active and moved all the time. I even remember telling my husband Matt just prepare yourself for the worst because it’s not going to be good. We were on our way to the hospital and we couldn’t get in there quick enough. My feeling said it wasn’t going to be good but I still had hope she would just be born a little early as about 33 weeks. We got to the hospital and nurse after nurse tried to search for her heartbeat. When I heard the words “I found it” I was relieved until I asked her what it was and she said 123. I said that can’t be her that’s so low and she said well it can’t be you that would be awfully high.
Well turns out it was me because I was so upset. My hope was then gone! At this time they told us to call someone to come get our 1.5 year old daughter because they knew it wasn’t good. My parents came up and they then did a ultrasound to check on her. I remember I didn’t even look at the screen I just scream out “Mom”? wanting her to give me some type of reassurance. She couldn’t give it because our little baby was there on the screen perfect as can be without that flickering heartbeat.
They induced labor and it lasted about 13 hours. It wasn’t making any progress so I had to have a c-section. I still was praying for a miracle that our sweet Kylee would come out screaming but instead it was silence and tears. The Dr. then came up and told me it’s nothing anyone did that her cord kinked an inch away from her belly button. I remember telling my husband to take a picture of her and show it to me then I’ll look at her because I was in such shock and didn’t know how to react. I looked at the picture and she was beautiful she looked just like her big sister.
I feel in love instantly. I have the same love for her as I do our other daughter Chloe. We held on to Kylee for about 11 hours and I still feel like that wasn’t enough. No time will ever be enough. Then I remembered for 8 months I held her every second of her life and I’m so blessed that God chose me to be Kylee’s mommy. I wish she would be hear with us physically but I know she is still always with us wherever we go. This is going to be a very long road but with God’s help we will get though this. What keeps us going is our baby girls and knowing that we will see our sweet Kylee Victoria when we go home too. As the pastor said at her service she took the express way home. We love you baby girl and think of you every second of the day!!!
You may contact Brittany at